In my opinion, smoking in public is not a good behavior. First, smoking is a very bad habit. Smoking will cause diseases and eventually kill those people who smoke. According to the website Action on Smoking and Health (, there is a fact that Smoking causes at least 80% of all deaths from lung cancer, around 80% of all deaths from bronchitis and emphysema and around 17% of all deaths from heart disease. Second, smoking in public will let others breathe the secondhand smoke even though they don’t want to smoke. In fact, the website ASH said that the secondhand smoke has particular gas which has marked irritant properties and known or suspected carcinogens (cancer causing substances). This will harm people who have secondhand smoke more seriously. Third, it is also against the law which is made to prevent people from smoking in public unless the place is marked to be a smoking area. The Assize in Taiwan has established this law. If some one smoke in those public places which are defined non-smoking areas, he or she will get a fine which takes 1,000 to 3,000 dollars. For all, smoking and smoking in public are wrong.
目前分類:課業暫存 (11)
- Aug 10 Wed 2005 12:19
About Smoking
- Aug 10 Wed 2005 12:16
A Business Letter
8 Chang Gong Road
Taipei, Taiwan 234
June 3, 2005
Mr. Fenston
The Honorable Jacob B. Festen, Judge of the Miami Municipal Court
6 Courthouse Square
Miami, FL 01113
Dear Judge Fenston:
I am writing to give you an advice that you should let the Gregory Kingsley divorce from his mother. As their neighbors said, they saw his mother, Rachel Kingsley, indulging alcohols and drugs. In addition, she even didn’t send a card for taking care of her son on special days like holidays or his birthday. Far all, I think it is better to let Gregory Kingsley divorce from his mother and let Russes adopt him.
Thank you very much for your time and attention.
Sincerely,Stella Wu
- Aug 10 Wed 2005 12:14
My Opinion about Arranged Marriage
My Opinion about Arranged Marriage
In my opinion, arranged marriage is worse than love marriage. First of all, people don’t like to be restricted by birth. Assume that you are arranged to do something. Do you feel good? I think the answer is no. And also because of education and exposure of media, people know more about that they have the right to make choice by their own. Second, if people don’t take the arranged marriage by someone, parents or relatives, they can have more chances to know more people and have more choices to choose who will be his or her suitable spouse. Because they don’t have to worry about the family’s pressure. They also have the right to choose what they want so they can try to know more people. Third, it is not a good idea that two people will get married just meet each other once before their wedding. They really don’t know more about each other. They only know about the profile of their spouse which is given by their parents or relatives. According to one article from the website, The New Nation, we can see that there is a woman says that she prefers to love marriage because she can know more about the person who will marry to before their wedding. That will avoid the final divorce. For these reasons, I believe that arranged marriage is worse than love marriage.- Jun 16 Thu 2005 04:00
CPU temp
哇咧 可以算1's了 !_! 皇天不負爆肝人!_!
大家好 以下是我的心得0.0
1.用function先測試 timing對function一定對,function錯那一定錯拉...
2.Clock 用20ns 除非你電路delay很小很小
3.可以把control[15:0]輸出 debug用
4.if要接else case要有defalut warning比較少...
5.投影片 p.31捕位置7把data讀到r1
6.Rom可以設一個default 條件,找不到已設位置無條件
load External address
7.有don't care的最好設成xxx...
8.這禮拜好像都可以demo //if(TA_found==true)
9.clk都是同一個 但是Reg和Sta是負緣 CAR是正緣
- Jun 12 Sun 2005 13:04
program counter
The program counter (also called the instruction pointer in some computers) is a register in a computer processorwhich indicates where the computer is in its instruction sequence. Depending on the details of the particular machine, it holds either the address of the instruction being executed, or the address of the next instruction to be executed. The program counter is automatically incremented for each instruction cycle so that instructions are normally retrieved sequentially from memory. Certain instructions, such as branches and subroutine calls, interrupt the sequence by placing a new value in the program counter.
In most processors, the instruction pointer is incremented immediately after fetching a program instruction; this means that the target address of a branch instruction is obtained by adding the branch instruction's operand to the address of the next instruction (byte or word, depending on the computer type) after the branch instruction.
- Jun 04 Sat 2005 07:09
last ← true
for j ← len–2 down to 0 do
if aj < aj+1 then do
last ← false
break for loop
end if
end for
if last then return 0
for k ← j+1 to len–1 do
if aj > ak then do
break for loop
end if
end for
swap aj ? ak-1
reverse aj+1 ? an-1
return 1
- Jun 04 Sat 2005 04:27
array: .space 1024 #4*256
n: .word 0
list: .asciiz "
Sorted list: "
space: .asciiz " "
mesg: .ascii "Bubble Sort
.asciiz "
how many integers you want to sort: "
li $v0,4
la $a0,mesg
li $v0,5 #input number of sort N
sw $v0,n
li $s1,0 #initial
li $s2,0
la $t3,array #t3存array[0]的位置
move $t0,$zero #i=0
lw $s2,n
beq $t0,$s2,sort #s2=len
li $v0,5
sw $v0,($t3) #存入a[j] j=0,4,8,16,....
add $t3,$t3,4
add $t0,1
j next
move $s5,$ra
la $s2,array
lw $s3,n
move $s0,$zero
for1tst:slt $t0,$s0,$s3
beq $t0,$zero,exit1
addi $s1,$s0,-1
for2tst:slti $t0,$s1,0
bne $t0,$zero,exit2
add $t2,$s2,$t1
lw $t3,0($t2)
lw $t4,4($t2)
slt $t0,$t4,$t3
beq $t0,$zero,exit2
move $a0,$s2
move $a1,$s1
jal swap
addi $s1,$s1,-1
j for2tst
exit2: addi $s0,$s0,1
j for1tst
exit1: move $ra,$s5
out: li $v0, 4
la $a0, list
li $t1, 0
lw $s0, n
la $t3 array
disply: beq $t1, $s0, exit
li $v0, 1
lw $a0, ($t3)
li $v0, 4
la $a0, space
addi $t3, 4
addi $t1, $t1, 1
j disply
exit: li $v0,10 # finished processing.
swap: add $t1,$a1,$a1
add $t1,$t1,$t1
add $t1,$a0,$t1
lw $t0,0($t1)
lw $t2,4($t1)
sw $t2,0($t1)
sw $t0,4($t1)
jr $ra
add $t1,$s1,$s1
add $t1,$t1,$t1
- Jun 02 Thu 2005 01:59
IP address 的 regular expression
- Jun 02 Thu 2005 00:44
windows.h //Win32 API
.h : for iterator and functor
.cpp : test file
一定要有 5 個 associated types (可以繼承既有的iterator來確保不漏寫其中一個)
value type -> 指向的東西
後++ : 用前++即可
-> : 利用*即可
前++ : FindNextFile(要記得check是否到底)
* : return 指向的東西(data member)
ctor : use FindFirstFile 指向path裡的第一個檔案
functor : 要adaptable 繼承 unary or binary function